Health & Safety
Our HS&E Management System provides our team with the necessary guidance to safely execute their assignments. Practices, procedures and policies are only part of the toolbox we provide our workforce.
We develop and deploy in house safety training programs to enhance the abilities of our Workers, Supervisors and Management team.
In order to provide our clients with the latest HSE performance data and company information, we subscribe to both the Canadian HSE Registry and ISN online safety regestries as part of our communication strategy. The data you see is the result of both proactive and reactive initiatives. By setting goals, investigating incidents, providing training, and continually modifying and improving our programs to meet our needs and the needs of our clients, we are well positioned for even greater HSE Performance.
Swartzy Welding Services Ltd. maintains a Certificate of Recognition under the Alberta Partnerships in Safety Programs. Audit results help form the basis of our annual HSE goals and initiatives, allowing for continuous improvement to our operations, programs and overall culture.